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mummys star page

Mummy's Star Tribute Pages

Creating a tribute page is quick and simple:


1. Share a few details about you and your loved one through the online form.


2. Activate your tribute fund via the email from our trusted partner MuchLoved. Remember to check your junk folder!


3. Add photos, videos and memories of your loved one, and invite family and friends to join in too. You can make your tribute fund public or private.

An example of a tribute page with the title Always Remembered and a picture of an older woman with grey hair in a yellow top.
Tribute bunch of purple flowers
A dad leans in to look at a tablet with his daughter. The words 'Proud to be working with Much Loved' in white
Mummy's Star
Mummy's Star

We will gladly assist you in setting up and managing a tribute page.
Email Keli, our In Memory Co-ordinator, and she will help you get started.

Or start straight away by completing the short form below. 

It will take you to our partner site Much Loved where the tribute page will be built.

Mummy's Star
Mummy's Star
Mummy's Star
Blue mummy's star wrist band lying in a bed of white flowers
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