Cancer, Pregnancy & General Practice
11th - 16th March 2024 Â #HPAW24
Welcome to our very first Healthcare Professionals Awareness Week!
We’ll spend the next 5 days focusing on how cancer in or around pregnancy might present in a General Practice setting. Our aim is to increase the likelihood of early diagnosis and thus improve prognosis for the
two people a day diagnosed with cancer in or around a pregnancy.
Monday | It Could Be You
Some mums and birthing parents will visit their GP with cancer symptoms or concerns while perinatal. Others may not be aware of their symptoms but will still visit their GP surgery for a routine appointment or procedure.
Both are opportunities to SEE THE SYMPTOM and begin a thorough exploration to either diagnose or rule out cancer.
We want the whole Practice Team to be aware that they could be the one to spot cancer first!
Tuesday | Symptom Masking

Today we’re talking to Receptionists!
We know how hard you work to triage all the potential patients that call you every day and how tricky it can be to manage your GPs’ schedules. Which is why we want to make sure you’re aware of SYMPTOM MASKING.
Many cancer symptoms can be masked by the expected physical and emotional changes of being perinatal. If a pregnant or post-natal patient presents with symptoms that would be a cause for concern in someone who isn’t, remember
symptom masking and consider making them an appointment.
Wednesday | Speak Up & Safety Net

We’re talking to Clinical Staff today, inc. Practice Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, Clinical Pharmacists,
Paramedics and Community Midwives!
We know how hard you work to make sure patients have their needs met, and how you help keep on top of routine appointments and tests, as well as more urgent matters. Your role and their appointment may have nothing to do with cancer or the concerning symptom, but your proximity and the conversation you have might reveal potential red-flags.
Be kind but firm and remember: your instincts are important!
And if you suspect their symptoms are not cancer related, it is still important to use clear safety-netting to
ensure they know what to do if symptoms change or persist.

Thursday | Refer and Rule It Out

Today we’re talking to GPs!
We know how hard you work to ensure patients feel heard, reassured and well looked after, all in an incredibly short amount of time. If you have an suspicion of cancer in a perinatal patient we want you to strongly consider the steps tou can take to REFER and RULE IT OUT.​
From baseline bloods to Non-Specific Symptoms Pathways, we encourage you to trust your instincts and use all available options to explore thoroughly and reach a clear diagnostic conclusion.

Friday & Saturday | Working Together
Research from the University of Surrey's @CancerAtSurrey team is revealing the vital importance of emotional support for mums and birthing parents diagnosed with cancer in or around pregnancy,
and also how this is currently severely lacking.
We know that time and resources in general practice are limited and that you are already working hard to fulfil vital roles, so we want you to know that you can call on Mummy's Star to work with you
to provide the full spectrum of support to your patients.
You can click here to find out more about our support for Healthcare Professionals.
Real Life Stories & Articles
Nicola's life was potentially saved by the Practice Nurse who noticed the mole on her arm at a routine whooping cough vaccination appointment.