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mummys star page

£25 could pay for a special care package sent to a mum and family in need of a smile. Mum might be going through treatment or in recovery, or simply in need of a lift in spirit. Each item is hand picked by an Information and Support Worker and sent with love.


If you choose, we can send you a Mummy's Star pin, information leaflet and a festive gift tag for every gift you purchase. Send it to your loved one so they know what a difference they have made to mums and families in need, this Christmas!


Be sure to add promo code 'GIVEAGIFT' at the checkout to include free postage on your donation.


"The little gifts we received  would make me emotional, I will cherish the knitted items for H forever!" ~ Star mum


Donations are assigned to 'pots' designated for a particular type of support. Your donation will be assigned to the most appropriate pot, based on the gift description, then used to bring that type of support to mums, birthing parents and families affected by cancer in and around pregnancy.



Smile In The Post

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