£30 could pay to print 30 Cancer and Pregnancy awareness packs to be distributed to maternal and medical professionals at conferences and other events
If you choose, we can send you a Mummy's Star pin, information leaflet and a festive gift tag for every gift you purchase. Send it to your loved one so they know what a difference they have made to mums and families in need, this Christmas!
Be sure to add promo code 'GIVEAGIFT' at the checkout to include free postage on your donation.
“Delighted to receive my info pack from Mummy’s Star on pregnancy and cancer. Huge thanks. So important all of us, whatever our role in maternity and perinatal care are full aware of this. I will be discussing with the Ock Review team and taking the information to my GP.” ~ Donna Ockenden, Chair of the Ockenden Maternity Review
Donations are assigned to 'pots' designated for a particular type of support. Your donation will be assigned to the most appropriate pot, based on the gift description, then used to bring that type of support to mums, birthing parents and families affected by cancer in and around pregnancy.
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