Celebrating one of Mummy's Star's biggest champions

Steve has been raising funds and awareness for Mummy's Star for over five years. Following his 2021/22 Zodiac Challenge we wanted to share more about his incredible achievements...
It all started in 2014. After hearing about Mummy's Star from a colleague and having experienced a family loss to cancer the year before, Steve decided to fundraise for us for a year.
After that year... Steve never stopped!
Since then, he has held a football tournament and run countless miles in a Mummy's Star vest. He even wears it when he isn't fundraising, to raise awareness while he racks up the miles.
For Steve, raising awareness is as important - if not more important - than fundraising.
He has a couple of Mummy's Star flags which he takes to all kinds of events and which have even made it onto national photos and television screens, He is an incredible ambassador for our families, and spreads the word about the difficulties they face and the help that Mummy's Star offers them, to anyone who will listen. He also encourages his friends and community to join in!

It's impossible to count the number of separate fundraisers that have been set up to support Mummy's star because of Steve's influence!
We are grateful to every single one of his friends and supporters who have made donations or gifted time and energy to fundraisers of their own.
On 18th June 2022 Steve ran his first ever Ultra marathon, completing a year long fundraising challenge which he called the Zodiac Challenge. Prior to the Ultra he had already completed 14 half marathons over a 4 month period.
When circumstances demanded a nine month break between them and the Ultra, Steve did not let that time go to waste. He carried on raising awareness for Mummy's Star, even contacting and meeting with a local MP for a photo opportunity and, most importantly, to bring our work and families to her awareness.

After completing the Ultra, Steve has achieved over 200 miles, over £1400 in donations, severe blistering and the loss of a big toenail.
More than that though, he has continued to build upon a legacy of support that many of our mums and families have, and will continue to, benefit from.
While its impossible to calculate exactly how much Steve has raised for us over the years, we are confident it is well into the thousands. Hours of time raising awareness for Mummy's Star and all mums affected by cancer in and around pregnancy will be even more!
And that's why he is our first Fantastic Fundraiser!