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1. Your partner is diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy.
2. Your partner is diagnosed with cancer within a year of giving birth.

3. Your partner loses a baby while diagnosed with cancer.

4. Your partner dies due to a cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or within a year of giving birth.

Eligibility criteria to access our support services are:

Click on the titles below to learn more about how we can support you and your family.

A black man with braids and a yellow shirt sits on the floor leaning back ahainst a bed, his head is in his left hand and his eyes are closed. In the background a person sits on the bed with a pale shirt, paying one hand on his shoulder.
Pink box white text Emotional Support

What we can do for you, including connecting you with a dedicated Support Worker and a peer support forum.


Photos of four women, three holding small babies and one pregnant having chemotherapy, are spliced together
Blue box, white text: Support Library

Articles, information and real life stories of cancer in or around pregnancy; to help you better understand the situation.


a person sits looking out of frame, their hair is cut short and they are white. They look pensive and concerned.
Purple box, white text: Beyond Support

We can support you beyond your partner's initial diagnosis and treatment, inc. going back to work, future fertility and more.


A family sit and read a book together on the floor of a living room; a mother, father and a small child on the mother's lap.
Green box, white text: Financial Support

We can help you manage the financial impact of a cancer diagnosis.



A family sit on a cream sofa, the father is looking at a laptop on his lap, the mother is holding the young baby siting between them, mum and baby are smiling at one another.
Orange box, white text: Support Hub

Ask The Expert sessions, treats and offers for the parents we support, and quick links to some of our most popular articles.


A black man with braids and a yellow shirt sits on the floor leaning back ahainst a bed, his head is in his left hand and his eyes are closed. In the background a person sits on the bed with a pale shirt, paying one hand on his shoulder.
A purple box with white text saying Secondary Diagnosis. Click to open this section.

We can offer tailored support to you and your partner if they receive a secondary/metastatic cancer diagnosis.


A black man with braids and a yellow shirt sits on the floor leaning back ahainst a bed, his head is in his left hand and his eyes are closed. In the background a person sits on the bed with a pale shirt, paying one hand on his shoulder.
A mint green box with white text saying End of Life Support. Click to visit this section

We can support you and your family through pre-bereavement and beyond.



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