The financial impact of a cancer diagnosis
Cancer comes with a long list of unexpected costs and financial implications, which can add unnecessary stress and worry at a time when you need to focus on your treatment and recovery. These might include:
Loss of income due to stepping back from work (yourself and/or your partner)
Cost of travel and parking for appointments and treatments
Cost of supportive items and equipment (including wigs and specialist clothing)
Cost of medicines and supplements
Cost of specialised baby equipment that allows you to continue parenting (such as a lightweight pram)
Cost of electronic devices to stay in touch with children and partner while in hospital
Thankfully, there are options available to you to help mitigate some of these losses and expenditures. Mummy's Star is not a financial advisor but we can help you find the services and financial help that you are eligible for.

Financial Advice
Local cancer centres often have a free service available for you to speak to someone about your finances; be that managing a budget, benefits advice or debt management.
Your local government may offer an in-person Citizens Advice Bureau or you can also find them online.
MacMillan Welfare Advisors can also help you find other support you may not know about. You can find out more by calling them on 0800 808 00 00 or going online.
Benefits and Entitlement
You automatically meet the disability definition under the Equality Act 2010, the day you are diagnosed with cancer. This means you qualify for a number of disability benefits, which are there to help and protect you. Claims can be lengthy and complex, but valuable, so don't hesitate to seek support from a specialist benefits advisor to help you access the support you are entitled to.
You may be able to claim one of the following benefits:
Statutory Sick Pay (SSP)
Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
Budgeting Loan
Statutory Maternity Pay
Maternity Allowance (MA)
Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and
Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)
In addition, you may also be able to apply for the following:
Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
Carers allowance (if a partner, family member or
friend cares for you more than 35 hours per week) -
Disabled Worker Element
Severe Disability Element
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction/Support

The Mummy's Star Grant
Mummy’s Star operates a small non-means tested grant programme, which aims to provide financial relief when most needed. Your child must be under 12 months old at the point of application, and you must reside in the UK or Ireland. Grants are limited to one per family.
You can apply by contacting us and speaking to a member of our Support Team. Read the Grant Guidelines to find out more.
End Of Life finances
For anyone moving into end of life care, there are specific financial supports and implications that need to be considered.
You'll find more information about that in our Incurable section. You can also speak directly to a Mummy's Star Support Worker if you have any questions or concerns.